سوق العراق
سوق العراق
We have all kinds of chemicals used for cleaning of black money or stained money 1
سوق العرب

راسل المعلن

We have all kinds of chemicals used for cleaning of black money or stained money -

Not only we supply quality products. We equally offer automatic machines with our Technicians to do the large preservation jobs to client countries and the cleaning of black notes. WE ARE ALSO SPECIALIZED IN CHEMISTRY FOR ANTI-BREEZE BANK NOTES. WE ALSO DO CHEMICALS MELTING AND RECOVERING OF ALL TYPE OF BAD MONEY FROM BLACK TO WHITE ( STAINED MONEY).
For Any Inquiries:
Contact us in need of cleaning your black notes at this email address Please contact us via our email address. If you are holder of the black money do not exist to contact us for a cleaning.
NB: We can also work against the percentage at the end of work by 2 to 10%
Phone contact :
TEL: +91 960 667 4107 whatsApp
Email: blackmoneycleaner@outlook.com
Website: www.black-money-cleaner.jimdosite.com

تنبيه! لا تدفع أي مبلغ حتى تحصل على منتجك كاملا غير منقوصا! سوق العرب غير مسؤولة عن الإعلانات المعروضة!

إعلانات مساعدة كبار السن

 We specialized in cleaning stained notes
we specialized in cleaning stained notes

Greetings, Black Money Cleaner is a great place to purchase all chemical for defaced notes . We have great prices, fast service, and offer some super specials service.”

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افضل جهاز لأخذ عينات الدم وقياس نسبة السكر في الدم فى العراق

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place الناصرية ، بغداد


الرئيسية خدمات مساعدة كبار السن في العراق