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سوق العراق
 SEGMA 3D GOLD DETECTOR كاشف الكنوز تحت الارض التصويري 1
 SEGMA 3D GOLD DETECTOR كاشف الكنوز تحت الارض التصويري 2
 SEGMA 3D GOLD DETECTOR كاشف الكنوز تحت الارض التصويري 3
 SEGMA 3D GOLD DETECTOR كاشف الكنوز تحت الارض التصويري 4
سوق العرب
  dst detector

راسل المعلن

segma 3d gold detector كاشف الكنوز تحت الارض التصويري - 01

• Dst Detectors Technology For Metal And Gold Detection
• The best metal detector in the world working on two highly efficient systems to detect gold and minerals.
• AJAX detector technology has developed a new pulse induction system for metal detectors, to new levels rather than other devices in the market, in addition to ease of use the system to obtain immediate results to maximum depths.
• Now with SEGMA device it is possible to detect and find targets that previously failed to find. This device can detect up to 8 meters underground by the time many other devices can’t reach to these depths. SEGMA can response to the targets immediately and shows its results, and it has a high-definition interface that allows the user to work on the device easily without any complications that exhaust the search process and make it complex.
• The ease of use which is in SEGMA makes it flexible, fast-moving, configurable device, and is very powerful to show and display results. It works through two different detection systems in results and data.
o Intelligent Induction System (Pulse Induction)
o Geological Mining Pulse System (3D)
• Mobile : +90 538 913 3500
• Dst Detectors Technology TURKEY ISTANBUL

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