سوق العراق
سوق العراق
سوق العراق متفرقات أخرى Underground Water Detector AQUA
Underground Water Detector AQUA  1
سوق العرب dst detector

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Underground Water Detector AQUA

Dst Detectors Technology For Metal And Water Detection
MWF Aqwa Water Detectors for sale
جهاز كشف المياه الجوفية والأبار تحت الارض اكوا
AQWA works this device by long distance sensing system (LDS), the advanced and built-in with acoustic identification systems to locate the path and point center of water.
AQWA offers the high rigor frequency waves that enable it to identify and detection the groundwater so very meticulously where the device can locate the targets from 200 meters distance and an angle of 360 degrees with precise control feature at a horizontal distance search, where there are a several levels of search distance, the user can adjust according to their needs to the horizontal scan, the search depth in the Aqwa device can be reach until 200m underground with the possibility of precise control in search depth,
All that through the device control interface, device is characterized by its small size and ease of use, where it can be placed in the pocket and move it all the goodwill and easily, and anyone can use it without having to experience or large knowledge about detectors.
Product link : https://dstdetectors.com/product/aqua/
Mobile : +90 538 913 3500
Dst Detectors Technology TURKEY ISTANBUL

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date 14/09/19 مشاهدات 963

تنبيه! لا تدفع أي مبلغ حتى تحصل على منتجك كاملا غير منقوصا! سوق العرب غير مسؤولة عن الإعلانات المعروضة!

عليكم الاتصال الي رائعة الصناديق لتصدير منافس الشخص الطاقة دولار العراق لمن متوفر Super الحديث

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